“The Voice Of The Hawkeyes” visits our High School
Students in Mr. Huegel’s Character Development and Leadership class are getting the opportunity to listen to and interact with numerous guest speakers, many of whom are Maquoketa Valley alumni. Guest speakers share their personal story of their journey towards leadership roles, valuable life lessons pertaining to their own character growth, and tips for success in the workplace and beyond. One of the many guest speakers thus far was “the voice of the Iowa Hawkeyes”, Mr. Gary Dolphin.
If you have been around the football field this fall you have seen a bunch of new improvements to our facilities. Did you know that one of those new improvements is being built by our own high school students? Mr. Palmer’s construction class has been working everyday for one class period on building a new storage facility. The building is 16 feet wide by 24 feet long.
The students have started from the ground up with some great hands-on learning. Not only hands-on learning but real life experiences with this project and it has been a joy to watch them grow. It may be raining, snowing or a nice sunny day outside but it is not slowing these students down.
We wouldn’t be able to provide our students with great learning experiences without having a supportive Community , Staff and Administration that understands the needs for our students in our CTE departments. We want to thank the MV wrestling program led by Coach Hatfield and his wrestlers for pouring the concrete for this building during the summer. It allowed the job-site to be ready for our construction students to start on this project at the start of school. With concerns of hauling tools back and forth each day and the time allowed to work on this building, A1 Storage came to the rescue and donated a container where supplies and tools could be stored safely.
From the desk of Mrs. Ries
I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we approach the holiday season, I wanted to take a moment to update you on some important announcements and celebrations happening in our Spanish class.
Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for your continued partnership in your child’s education. Your support and involvement have made a positive impact in our classroom, and I am truly thankful for that.
Recently, we celebrated Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead on November 1st and 2nd. The students delved into various learning projects, exploring the significance of this holiday. Many of them had a delightful experience learning about the traditions through their taste buds and sharing their culinary creations with the class.
In addition to that, we also celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month. Spanish 4 students organized several activities to raise awareness about the rich Hispanic culture around the whole school. They displayed Latin books and authors to the high school library, created a Spotify playlist of Hispanic music, displayed Spanish artwork on our classroom walls, enjoyed chips and salsa, and even organized a fun Kahoot quiz on Friday during lunch. Furthermore, we proudly showcased posters of famous Latino Americans around the school.
In terms of academics, Spanish 1 students are wrapping up their unit on clothing and school supplies. They have been practicing their speaking skills by creating a fashion show TikTok. Spanish 2 students are finishing up their unit on daily routines and have been recording their daily routines in Spanish as a way to practice speaking. Spanish 3 students are working independently in small groups, reading different Spanish novels daily in literature circles about various topics: Llorona, Testigo- Brain an immigrant, Bananas- about the plantations being contaminated and the lives they took, and Guerra suica- perspective on the war in Argentina.. Lastly, Spanish 4 students are engrossed in reading a class novel titled “Vida y muerte en la mara Salvatrucha,” which explores the complex world of gangs, particularly MS-13, originating from El Salvador.
Looking ahead, we have an exciting unit on Navidad (Christmas) coming up. All levels will learn about different traditions from around the world and how they celebrate Christmas. We will also explore the tradition of the piñata and even create our own piñatas in class during the last two weeks before the holiday break.
Once again, I want to express my gratitude for your continued support and partnership. It is through our collaboration that we can create a positive and enriching learning environment for your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with love and happiness. Felíz Navidad, prospero Año y felicidad.
Spanish 4 celebrate day of the dead fiesta
Chips and salsa for the high school for Hispanic heritage month.
From the desk of Ms. Boeckenstedt
The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students have been hard at work in the math classroom.
6th graders are working on a unit about rates and percentages. For part of this unit, they have been learning about different units of measurement for length, volume, and mass. These pictures show two different activities students have done as part of this unit. One activity involved sorting different measurements into these three different groups. Another activity involved them estimating different measurements of length with a string. They then were able to check how accurate their estimate was. They had a fun time competing to see who could get the closest!
7th Graders have been learning about the measurements of circles. They have learned how to draw perfect circles using compasses. As we’re wrapping up this unit, they had the opportunity to practice their skills by making their own drawing or design. Here is a sneak peek at some of their work.
8th Graders are hard at work preparing for algebra next year. They are learning about linear relationships and finding the slopes of lines.
From the desk of Mrs. Moorman
7th Grade Global Studies Exploratory Class
Students in this exploratory are able to learn about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and take their learning into local action! At the completion of Quarter 1, students organized a variety of projects to help bring global ideas to our local area. While learning about SDG #2 No Hunger, students organized a middle school food drive to support the local food pantry. They collected 57 items! Another student started a composting project with the uneaten fruits and vegetables during the middle school lunches! After learning about SDG #14 Life Below Water, one student created an information poster to educate others about the importance of recycling to save our water sources from pollutants. Another group of students researched women’s rights activists and shared how their work has improved situations for women, which was based on their learning about SDG #10 Reduced Inequalities. Helping others live healthier lives was the focus of another information poster. This was based on the learning from SDG # 3 Good Health and Well-Being. Students worked collaboratively to bring their ideas to life and realized their ideas can have a positive impact for others and the world!
Announcements from the Stage
An announcement from Mrs. Becker
We ask your assistance in compiling our list of children that will be entering kindergarten in the fall of 2024. Remember a child must be five years old on/before September 15, 2024 in order to be eligible to attend Kindergarten or Junior Kindergarten next fall. All of our Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students attend school at Earlville Elementary. Please list your own youngster and those of any of your friends or neighbors you believe may have not received this newsletter form. Please complete the form and drop it off or mail it to Maquoketa Valley Schools, 226 Prospect Street Earlville, IA 52041. Thank you!
Child’s first name________________Middle______________Last_________________ Boy or Girl ( circle one)
Date of Birth ________________________________
Daycare provider_________________________________
Mother’s Name ______________________________ Mother’s Phone ___________
Mother’s Address __________________________________________
Mother’s Email _____________________________________
Father’s Name_______________________________Father’s Phone _____________
Father’s Address ____________________________________
Father’s Email______________________________________
LOOKING for 4-Year Olds
We also need your assistance in compiling a list of children that will be FOUR years old on/before September 15, 2024 in order to be eligible for Maquoketa Valley’s PreSchool program to start next fall. All of our PreSchool students attend school at Earlville Elementary. Please list your own youngster and if you know of any other families that have a 4-year-old, please contact them. Simply complete this form and drop it off or mail it to Maquoketa Valley Schools, 226 Prospect Street, Earlville, IA 52041. Thank you!
Child’s first name________________Middle______________Last_________________ Boy or Girl ( circle one)
Date of Birth ________________________________
Daycare provider_________________________________
Mother’s Name ______________________________ Mother’s Phone ___________
Mother’s Address __________________________________________
Mother’s Email _____________________________________
Father’s Name_______________________________Father’s Phone _____________
Father’s Address ____________________________________
Father’s Email______________________________________
It was an exciting time in PE this past month at Delhi Elementary and Middle School.
Students in grades 3-5 learned how to score in bowling by hand and practiced their skills of bowling.
Students in 6th and 7th grade spent the past month learning the rules of Pickleball and fighting their way through a double elimination bracket trying to be crowned the champion!
From the desk of Ms. Gibbs
Not sure how it is already December – but here we are! What a wonderful start to my first year as a School Counselor at Maquoketa Valley. I am amazed and grateful daily to be a part of the MV family – this district is truly something special!
In guidance lessons at Earlville and Johnston with JK through 2nd graders, we have focused on ways to address both big and small problems and the nine options we have to solve small problems on our own by using Kelso’s Choice Wheel. The students have shown a great understanding of the content to solve their small problems!
We have implemented some fun activities during school assemblies for students to gain a better understanding of our Character Strong theme each month. Most recently, we focused on responsibility and gratitude. The students loved exploring the meaning of these words through engaging activities with their classmates!
With the holidays coming up quickly, we have so much to be thankful for! Although it is an exciting and joyful time – it is also busy and stressful for many. Please remember that kindness always matters, especially during this time of year. Wishing you all the best this holiday season!
From the desk of Mrs. Zietlow
December is always an exciting time in Kindergarten. Not only because of the children’s anticipation for Christmas, but because we are transitioning from learning letter sounds to how to put those sounds together to read words. It is amazing how quickly the students learn to blend sounds to read and write words. Their excitement is so motivating. We just completed a science unit on animals where the students learned about different animal structures and what they need to survive. They were surprised to learn that the animals need the same things that we do to live. In math we have been doing some measurement and talking about the difference between long/short and tall/short. The students have enjoyed measuring different things in the classroom.
From the desk of Mrs. Besler
From the desk of Mr. Dreessen
Elementary Winter Concert
December 18th, 2023
Elementary/MS Gym
JK-2nd Grade Concert @ 6:15 pm
Students Should Arrive by 6:00 pm
3rd-5th Grade Concert @ 7:15 pm
Students should arrive by 7:00 pm
The JK-2nd graders created some musical ornaments for us to decorate the classrooms, and the lobby for our concert! Here are a few wonderful examples.
The 3rd – 5th graders had the opportunity to create cover art for our programs and here are just a few!
We have a 9000 pound capacity globe car lift for sale.If you are interested in purchasing please deliver sealed bids to HS office by December 8th. Please see pictures below.
Whats new in the kitchen?
Something new at the Delhi Locations for the students to pick from for Lunch is the Bento Box. This meal option includes turkey, cheese, crackers and fruit. The fruit changes between grapes, cutie, orange, or applesauce. These have been a real hit the past month. This is an additional meal option offered along with the cold meat sandwich.
Food Service Need to Know
Check your current lunch account balance: Log into your online account or call/email Morgan Nefzger to get your current lunch account balance. You can make deposits at any time.
Free/Reduced Applications: These forms must be filled out as soon as possible so we have enough time to process your application and correct your registration fees. Free/Reduced applications can be found online, or there are copies in the Delhi Middle School/Elementary Office.
Salad Bar: This year, there will be a salad bar offered to 7th-12th grade students and all adult employees Monday-Friday. The salad bar will be an alternate meal choice. You will not be able to get the salad bar in addition to the main meal being offered. The salad bar will be located in the High School cafeteria area.
Snack Items: Students in Junior Kindergarten-Fourth Grade have the option of taking a snack item each day. Depending on the week Junior Kindergarten-second grade will have the option of cheese stick, goldfish crackers, single serve honey nut cheerios, nature valley oats and honey granola bar, teddy grahams, or single serve kix Cereal. Third-fourth grade can choose between a granola bar or a cheese stick. Regardless if you qualify for Free/Reduced benefits, you will still be charged the full $0.35 per snack item. Snack items are charged to your account every Friday for the entire week.
Meal Pricing for the 23/24 school year:
Student breakfast: $1.85
Earlville & Johnston & Delhi Elementary Student Lunch: $2.55
Middle School & High School Student Lunch $2.80
Snack Item: $0.35
Extra Entree: $2.00
Extra Milk: $0.65
Extra Juice: $0.70
Charging on negative Accounts: Be sure to watch your lunch account balance. If your family lunch account reaches an amount of Negative $50.00 or more, students will be given an alternate meal until the account balance is improved. An alternate meal due to low account balance will still be a full meal however the entree will be a deli sandwich with and no additional seconds or ala carte items. Starting on September 6th invoices will be sent out to families with negative balances and your student(s) will receive a deli sandwich until your account has been replenished. Invoices will be sent out every Tuesday via email.
Alternate main course meal option: This year, we will have an alternate main course substitute at each meal. This substitute will consist of, a deli sandwich. Students may choose this instead of the main course any given day.
How and where to deposit lunch money: You can always send lunch money with your students to turn in to the secretary at their building, or you can go online and make deposits into your account.
Link to useful forms:
Food Service Information
Free & Reduced Meal Program Information
RevTrak Online Payments
Total Access Lunch
August Lunch Menu
If you have any questions pertaining to the Free and Reduced Meals, you can contact Morgan Nefzger at morgannefzger@maquoketa-v.k12.ia.us
Maquoketa Valley Activity Calendar
This can be found on the website. Please check that for all activities.
Cancellations will be updated on the Maquoketa Valley Website.
Text Alert System
We will be using your information in Power School to alert you. It is important to have your current phone number and email updated. If you have any questions or issues, please call Sarah Lown in the high school office at 563-922-2091.
Maquoketa Valley 2023-2024 School Calendar
Ticket Information on Bound
Starting January 1st we will be going cashless for all school events
. Follow the step by step instructions to purchase tickets on bound for school events.
Step 1: go to the school website
Step 2: Click on Event Tickets
Step 3: choose which event you are buying tickets for
Step 4: select if you are paying for an adult or a student
Step 5: Enter in your card information
Step 5: complete your payment.
Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination
The Maquoketa Valley High School offers career and technical programs in the following areas of study:
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Applied Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing
Business, Finance, Marketing and Management
Human Services
It is the policy of the Maquoketa Valley Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact Dave Hoeger, 107 South Street, Delhi, Iowa 52223; 563-922-2091; davehoeger@maquoketa-v.k12.ia.us
Maquoketa Valley Community School District
Ensures High Levels of Learning to Empower All Students For Lifelong Success.