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World Food Prize Participant

The best and brightest students from 31 U.S. states and territories and seven countries attended speeches by world – renowned leaders, presented their own research, and joined in hunger relief efforts. Gabriela Guetzko, a Maquoketa Valley High School Senior was among the select students nominated to attend the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute Oct….


Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 8th and November 10th at the Delhi Campus. There is no school on November 11.


Dollars for Scholarship Fund Established to Honor Anna Nefzger

An endowment fund for Anna Mae Nefzger has been established with the Maquoketa Valley Dollars for Scholars awards program. Anna passed away much too soon, on Friday, June 24, 2016. She is the daughter of Danny and Karla Nefzger and had two siblings, Curtis, a 2015 Maquoketa Valley graduate and Kari, who will be entering…


The Wildcat Way

Have you heard about the Wildcat Way? Has your child tried to teach you about being respectful, responsible, and safe? The Wildcat Way is a proactive behavior system implemented with three main components: respect, responsibility, and safety. Students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade have been learning about The Wildcat Way and demonstrating the school wide expectations since the beginning…


Choose Safe Driving

Please click the image to watch a PSA created by Maquoketa Valley students.


Revenue Purpose Statement

What is a Revenue Purpose Statement? On April 5th of this year, Maquoketa Valley Schools will bring to our patrons mandated ballot issue regarding the allowed uses of the 1-cent sales tax in the State of Iowa that is dedicated to all of our Iowa schools. Provided below is information regarding Maquoketa Valley’s Revenue Purpose…


Go Wildcats!

Time and again, I catch myself using the excuse “this is such a busy time of the year” when trying to justify something I had intended to do but didn’t follow through.  Face it: it is ALWAYS a busy time of year so when it comes to prioritizing, it is not about finding time but…


Parent/Patron Department of Education Survey Link

Once every 5 years the Iowa Department of Education asks that our parents and patrons complete a perception survey for the district. Maquoketa Valley is requesting that parents and patrons complete the survey one time at the following link, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TLHC33T  Computers will also be available at our upcoming Parent Teacher conferences scheduled for October 29th…


Authentic Intellectual Work

What is AIW? AIW stands for Authentic Intellectual Work and provides a structure for teachers to analyze student assignments and assessments, student work, and, eventually, instruction. Teachers collaborate to provide feedback on the academic challenge and value beyond school of the student tasks. The groups also analyze student tasks to see if students are given…