MVCSD News Go Wildcats!
Time and again, I catch myself using the excuse “this is such a busy time of the year” when trying to justify something I had intended to do but didn’t follow through. Face it: it is ALWAYS a busy time of year so when it comes to prioritizing, it is not about finding time but making time.
I can think of fewer priorities for a parent than that of your child’s education. Your attitude about your child’s success in school will be reflected in your child’s attitude about school. When you make time to ask your child questions about his or her daily student life, keep up with your child’s academic performance online, interact with their educators, and attend parent-teacher conferences, you send a message to your child that his or her success is highly valued. And when you convey value, you encourage pride in performance and instill a lifelong love of learning. When you show that you value education and academic success, it becomes a priority and not an option.
Imagine your child’s education as a tangible asset such as a car or cell phone. I am certain that it matters to you whether your child treats these material items with great care. Though intangible, your child’s education is no less important but has far-reaching consequences if a sense of responsibility and value is cultivated. It is up to you as the parent to demonstrate to your student that attention to education matters. It is up to you to model a positive attitude about academics and it does not matter which direction your child intends to follow after the high school years come to an end. Whether one enters a two or four year college, the military, or the workforce, when a parent shows an interest in their child’s learning, they let him or her know that learning is lifelong. Express interest and curiosity about your student’s performance and you will instill a similar attitude in your child. Make time to interact and connect with your child and our educators: it’s not about finding the time but making the time to make a vital difference in the course of your child’s life.
Go Wildcats!
Kevin Kudrna